News & Media

We just shared the slide deck from "How do we talk about the future of the Island Airport?"

Many of you had asked us to share the slide deck from our December 2022 Speaker Series:

How do we talk about the future of the Island Airport? featuring Nicole Swerhun. 

We have posted it here:

But for your convenience you can go right to it by clicking hereSlide deck

Or review the recording of the even by clicking here


Speaker Series: 46 kilometers of Waterfront

Toronto's waterfront stretches 46 km from Etobicoke Creek in the west to the Rouge River in the east. Most of it is run by two city agencies: Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Christina Iacovino of PFR and Johanna Kyte of TRCA gave great talks on March 28, 2023 on the many projects in progress, and how the City runs all those parks. 

Christina's presentation

Johanna's presentation

Don't close Harbourfront Rink!


In mid-January 2023, Harbourfront quietly announced it was going to remove its iconic skating rink, and replace it with a concrete "plaza", due to lack of funds. Yet Harbourfront had recently received a $20 million federal grant. The Community wasn't consulted. All three elected representatives of the various levels of government (MP Kevin Vuong, MPP Chris Glover, and City Councillor Ausma Malik) have objected. Harbourfront appears to be going ahead anyway. WFA and other community groups are meeting with the federal government. Please help by signing Kevin Vuong's petition here directed to the House of Commons. 

Dockwall falling down


The dock wall on Ward's Island at the Eastern Gap is in bad shape. Part of it fell down sometime in February, 2023. Ausma Malik, Ward 10 Councillor, has asked Ports Toronto for a plan to fix it. We don't know if Ports Toronto will agree to do so. The problem is, it's never been clear which government agency is responsible for this ancient bit of concrete, built we think in the 19th Century. We hope this gets sorted out soon! It's a safety hazard. Many dock walls and breakwaters around the Harbour are falling down due to a similar lack of clarity as to who's in charge.



Recap: Speaker Series 8: How Do We Talk About the Future of the Island Airport?

We had a very successful event last night, featuring Nicole Swerhun who leads a team of process facilitators at Third Party Public (formerly Swerhun Inc.) that engages many different voices in discussions about all things public - from public assets and public policies to public spaces and public services. She creates tools to broadly share information, and seeks feedback on the information shared.

Nicole brought this experience to bear in her cogent talk on how we can meaningfully and effectively talk about the future of the Island Airport. We also featured Waterfront for All board members, Ron Jenkins and Brian Iler providing short talks on Island Airport's "runway end safety area" challenges  and the recent financial developments affecting Porter Airlines and the airport operators. Finally, we were pleased to have Spadina Fort York City Councillor Ausma Malik join us and participate in the evening. 

A video recording of the December 13 event is now posted.

As a grassroots community organization we rely on volunteers and modest fundraising to continue being able to put on public and online events, if you can make a donation to help us please click here to donate

Here, below, is the background information we shared on our Event Page (which everyone who RSVP'd can still access directly at

BACKGROUND INFORMATION from Speaker Series 8, December 13, 2022:


RESA — Requirements

302.602 (1) A RESA shall have a minimum length of 150 m and shall conform to the requirements respecting location, characteristics and objects in the runway end safety area set out in 3.2 of Chapter 3 of the document entitled Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices, TP 312E, published by the Department of Transport.

(2) The operator of an airport may reduce the length of the ASDA, LDA or TORA in order to obtain the minimum length referred to in subsection (1).

(3) The minimum length referred to in subsection (1) does not apply if the operator of an airport installs an arresting system that is designed to stop an aeroplane in the event that the aeroplane overruns a runway and that conforms to the requirements regarding such a system set out in 3.2 of Chapter 3 of TP 312E.

(4) A RESA is not required before the starting point of the LDA if

  • (a) the runway is equipped with a serviceable precision approach path indicator (PAPI) or abbreviated precision approach path indicator (APAPI); or
  • (b) an instrument approach procedure with approved vertical guidance that is not restricted by a special authorization or an operations specification is available in respect of the runway.

(5) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(b), approved vertical guidance means glide slope deviation information provided to a pilot until the decision height is reached to assist in the carrying out of a three-dimensional instrument approach without a missed approach point, but in respect of a missed approach segment that begins at the decision height.

Please click here or on the "Read More" button below to see more background information on the Tripartite Agreement, the History of the Island Airport, and more ... 


How do we talk about the future of the Island Airport?

It's time for a serious talk about the future of the Billy Bishop Island Airport.

How do we have the conversation? 

Join us on December 13 at 7 pm to hear public engagement expert Nicole Swerhun, Managing Principal of Third Party Public, lead us through key issues and critical process considerations. 

Click here to RSVP

Island Airport issues on our radar:

  • New safety regulations that Billy Bishop must comply with.
  • The 50-year lease expires in just a few years.
  • And some say the land should be a park or used for a mix of non-aviation activities.
  • Nicole Swerhun has facilitated many difficult public discussions about the Toronto Waterfront. We are excited to have her share
    her thoughts on how we can, collectively, approach this big, difficult topic.


Annual General Meeting

On May 24, 2022 our Speaker Series #7 featured Chris Glaisek of Waterfront Toronto, Geoff Wilson of PortsToronto and Nancy Gaffney of TRCA. We'll post their slide presentations and a recording soon. We also held our Annual General Meeting.

Chair Ed Hore gave his annual summary of things that happened on the Toronto Waterfront. Here it is in writing.















Paddling Map of Toronto

Chair Ed Hore has been kayaking around the amazing Toronto Waterfront for decades and gets a lot of questions about the best routes, where to launch, where to park, where to rent, and so on. So he recently tried his hand at an annotated Paddling Map of the waterfront that answers at least some of these questions.

Toronto is stunningly beautiful from the water. But always keep in mind it's on a Great Lake. Particularly in unsheltered areas, the Lake can get choppy and rough; weather changes can be unpredictable. Always make sure you paddle within your skill set. If in doubt take some lessons.  There are introductory kayak, canoe and SUP lessons and rentals at Harbourfront Canoe and Kayak Centre and SUP lessons and rentals at various locations across the waterfront. Have fun! 




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