Join us May 21 for Speaker Series 13, "Villiers Island: Hang on a Minute! Let's take a 2nd look at the plan."
Villiers Island: Hang on a Minute! Let’s take a second look at the plan.
Join us on Tuesday, May 21, 7 pm (Zoom) for critical and constructive panel discussion on the plan for Villiers Island.
WfA has been broadly supportive of Waterfront Toronto's work over the years, but true friends owe their friends open and constructive dialogue. So inspired by recent discussions of the recently amemded Villiers Island plan, including critical assessment by the Globe & Mail's Alex Bozikovics and a commentary by architecture and planning firm Smart Density, we felt that it was urgent to give voice to legitimate and constructive concerns about the Villiers Island Plan prior to its consideration by City Council in June.
To that end we've put together a panel of community activists, housing activists and urban planners to take a second look at the Villiers Island plan.
- Norm di Pasquale — City Activist (NoJetsTO, past Board of Education Trustee)
- Eric Lombardi — Housing Advocate, More Neighbours Toronto
- Mark Richardson — Technical Lead, HousingNowTO
- Blair Scorgie — Registered Professional Planner, Urban Designer, Lecturer TMU